Local Governing Committee

Local Governing Committee (LGC)


Role & Responsibility

Type of Governor

Term Start and Duration

Date Stepped Down

Rosie Malarkey 
Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
22 October 2021      - 2 years. 
Re-elected until 21 October 2025


Kathryn Hitchings
Vice Chair
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
 Governor (appointed)
26 January 2022      - 4 years
Mandy McDowall 
01 September 2020 - ongoing
Bobby Davis
Inclusion: SEND/Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged
Co-opted Governor
17 May 2023           - 4 years
Arouj Owais
Parent Governor 
19 April 2021       -  4 years


James Newman 
Health & Safety, GDPR & Sustainability
Governor (appointed)
26 January 2022       - 4 years 


Harriet Keep
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
Quality of Education
Governor (appointed) 
Co-opted (01/09/23)
26 January 2022 - 31 August 2023
01 September 2023 - 4 years
Jade Grills 
Governor (appointed) 
26 January 2022  - 4 years 
Helena Daly 
Governor (appointed) 
26 January 2022  - 4 years 
Mandy Soni
Co-opted Governor
10 February 2022    - 4 years
Fazilath Nazir 
Parent Governor
19 April 2021         - 4 years

The Chair of the Governing Committee is Rosie Malarkey.  To contact Rosie, please email: clerk@broadmere.surrey.sch.uk. All postal correspondence should be sent to Rosie Malarkey, Chair of Governors, c/o Broadmere,Devonshire Avenue,Sheerwater, Woking, GU21 5QE.

The Governors hold six meetings each academic year, which are usually open to parents to attend – if you wish to attend a meeting, please leave a message with the school office. 

  • LGC 1 - Wednesday 4th October 2023, 10.30am
  • LGC 2 - Wednesday 15th November 2023, 5pm
  • LGC 3 - Wednesday 31st January 2024, 10.30am
  • LGC 4 - Wednesday 20th March 2024, 5pm
  • LGC 5 - Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 10.30am   
  • LGC 6 - Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 5pm

Our Local Governing Committee works over both Broadmere and New Monument Primary Academies, playing a key role in shaping the strategic direction of the schools and challenging the school leaders to ensure that every child receives a good education. Bourne Education Trust delegates the majority of powers and responsibilities to the local governing committee under the BET Scheme of Delegation.

BET Scheme of Delegation

Broadmere is a calm, happy school where there is a strong nurturing ethos with a restorative approach to dealing with issues. The values taught have been agreed by children, staff and governors and are referred to during the school day within the school. The strong focus on academic progress and achievement is balanced by the provision of a creative curriculum along with sporting and social learning.

School governors make collective decisions, the main aim of which is to support the work of the headteacher and staff as they strive to raise educational standards and performance. Governors make decisions on how the school is and will be run but do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school - this is the work of the headteacher, leadership team and the staff.

Please see the link below for the Governors Register of Interest. 

Governor Register of Interests 2023- 24 and Governor attendance 2022 - 23

The 3 key functions of governance are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school, ensuring money is well spent.

Contact Details:

Should you wish to contact the Local Governing Committee, you can do so directly via the school.
All written communications can be sent to our Chair of governors via the clerk.

Our clerk to the governors is Karen Masella:

E-mail: clerk@broadmere.surrey.sch.uk

Local Governing Meetings are held at the school. At the end of each meeting governors consider: What evidence is there from this meeting that we are being the best governors we can be for the children at Broadmere and New Monument schools?

If you think you would be interested in becoming a school governor, please contact us either by e-mail or post.

E-mail: governors@broadmere.surrey.sch.uk

By Post:

Chair of Governors
c/o Broadmere Primary School
Devonshire Avenue


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